I changed the topic line so it reflects more accurately the change of topic.

I too get tired of seeing cleavage in workplaces. There's no purpose...at all. I went to a job interview where there was a panel of 3 women interviewing me. It was business dress casual culture. But 1 woman, in information technology dept., probably an analyst or management role, wore a top distinctly revealing 3 inches of her cleavage. What for???

On the street, etc...it's so common now among younger women that unfortunately the acceptance of some cleavage goes lower and lower into the age bracket.

I guess for parties, there could be more flexibility. But again, the older one gets..we shouldn't delude ourselves. The skin doesn't look as supple, etc.

Sometimes the solution for woman not to feel pressured to show her cleavage, is to start off in life, not doing it outside of the beach and bedroom.

http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)