Thank you Meri..for your kind words...
wee story
There was a theatre group in Scotland called Wildcat..We followed them due to the political content and evolving actors/musicians for years.
They had a play "Golden Wedding" due to be played on 27th May..It was our silver (25 years) anniversary that year and we chose to have a meal and go see the show.My collegues in laws had their own Golden anniversary that day and behind the scenes my friend got tickets beside me..
I had a cunning plan...
I sent a message to the producer who at the end of the show had the actors hold a moment to ask Mr.Mrs Christie to stand up and wonderfully congratualted the couple. the applause was so heartfelt...tears of happiness all round.
The evening was wonderful.
Next day at school I had such a buzz when told how surprised and happy everyone had felt.
Anniversaries bring such happy thoughts for me