Already video conferencing for job interviews in past few years. I've had several where all these situations, the employer was in a different province.

I disagree with the concept of video resume. It IS very unfair, people will judge others on their appearance, voice, accent. We get into issues of colour/race, ethnicity, age and weight. I am against video resume as an automatic required submission prior to shortlisted interviewing process. It would violate alot of human rights legislation here in Canada ..and I'm sure in the U.S. also. Certainly for some jobs like acting or dance or modelling it is part of the job --how one looks, so it would only be those jobs.

I sound brutal..because strangers can be unfair in their assessment on candidates. There have been some studies done on assessing overweight people vs. not so for jobs, attractive people vs. not so for high management jobs, etc. It's not pleasant.
_________________________ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)