Originally Posted By: Anne327
I agree. If one worries about how they might look when they sweat, or if their hair gets messy while exercising, one will never exercise enough to look good anyways.....kinda defeats the whole purpose and sounds like an excuse.


Men with brains can see if someone is exercising sincerely, to improve their body, or they are just "posing". But then, that's men with brains...........

You said it Ann, in the above quoted lst paragraph.

While the business of fashion image and good taste is useful for paid jobs, representing an organization or very formal/meaningful occasions ie. wedding, funeral, etc., methinks it's up to the boomer women to redefine of what is acceptable for casual and comfort wear, so that there are no pscyhological barriers (and real barriers of wrong clothing for physical activity) for women who want to exercise on an ongoing basis and make it part of their lifestyle so that they aren't constantly changing clothing just to please a bunch of people at an outdoor barbecue or even sit down luncheon.

Now, can we predict when we reach our 80's what we would wear in hot, humid weather? laugh

Now,please do not tell me, it's going long pants (it makes no sense) nor it has to be a dress (why?). Otherwise we are stuck 50 years ago or more of aging women polite at their tea parties and white gloves.

I say these comments because we already have younger generations of teenage girls and women who are far more overweight than we ever were at their age. (in general). So if we (our generation) become more comfortable and less self-conscious of our bodies for health related reasons, moving comfort..then it will help them.

It's a wonder that alot of teen girls..do NOT bike regularily. It's shriekingly obvious at many cycling events we go to and on the roads/bike paths. Yea, I wonder. worrying about their makeup, hair, fashion...geez. Not about good sporty fun, as we all remember when we were budding teen-women.

Sorry for my rant. crazy
http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)