Originally Posted By: Louise_Kahle
I'm also glad to hear there were younger women there (non-cyclers, I presume) who dressed up for the event.

Did you mean that alot of younger women would not tend to dress up for such an event?

In all honesty, I wear shorts this short even in high-end, expensive restaurants..in my home town and wherever we vacation elsewhere. In the last 15 years, when I pack I minimize the amount of weight because either I have to cycle with all my clothing in my bike panniers when we vacation somewhere or I just can't be bothered to deal with "extra" pieces of clothing in luggage. My travelweight when vacationing even somewhere has become streamlined.

For a 3-wk. vacation, clothing is in 1 carry-on luggage.

Unless I have to attend a wedding or a business meeting where I am there as a representative of my employer, I don't pack any dressy blouses, dress pants nor dresses/skirts.

In a way, I wish some women in our age bracket who dress well, weren't too concerned all the time about their image even when they exercise. I've had a number of women tell me that they don't want to cycle because they are afraid of helmet hair or whatever other image fear they might have (ie. sweating alot, etc.).

http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)