I came across this page on lightened recipes in terms of calories.


I appreciate the exercise of taking a family favourite recipe, Lightening it terms of ingredient composition but still mimicking the "older/fattier" version.

But really????? I mean are some people so freaked out that they are unwilling to try ie. pumpkin pie made of tofu filling..which I've made several times before. (No, it's not in the web link that I gave above). Which yes, does taste, to me, not much different. In fact, it seems for many adults that I've met, if they are told such and such dish is made from tofu or whatever substitute, they won't try it. They are that afraid and resistant. It often must something that must be familiar for them to enthusiastically try it.

Unless it's a food allergy or they are vegan/vegetarian, it must be quite tough for people with timid palates to completely change their diet for health reasons. It makes someone like me, wonder how do these people fully enjoy and learn of a totally different culture that's quite different from their own? blush

http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)