I definitely think my regular cycling has changed my health.
When you realize that you can ride 50 or 100 miles on a bike, some of those other things (like pushups for example) become less lofty and frightening.
I signed up at a gym a few years back with the goal of learning to do pushups. Since i had osteopenia i was counseled to do weight bearing exercise (bicycling doesn't count) and pushups were one of those. So after about 4 months of weight lifting and all sorts of other exercises, I could do one. I've done about 15 in a row (the best I've done) but I could probably do 7 right now if i pushed myself. Cycling to work is my major exercise, but it has certainly changed me from someone who was always sick
to someone who has aches and pains but is mostly healthy.
And my goodness, my legs used to be so scrawny; now they're curvy and muscular. ! Like Orchid's!

Edited by Madelaine (05/15/09 05:59 PM)
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