I love looking through cookbooks. The first one I remember reading was when I was a kid (age escapes me) but it was bought from a musium I went to visit when I went to summer with my dad. Any way, what attracted me to it was the decorations the front cover displayed. All sorts of idian carvings, and beeded decorations. But on the inside was goobs of cool stuff like the history of idean cooking, how things were made what the women talked about while cooking and all sorts of recipies I had never heard of. It was just fun to read.

AS for now, its my memory of watching my grandmother lovingly prepare meals for the family. I had thought of designing a cook book filled with the respies of my past and make it 3x5 style ( since I really like them.And asking my grammy is out because she went home to be with her Lord) Cus there were things she made I only have a vage memory of ingrediants, and it saddens me. So maybe if I start it will trigger the ones I am foggy on.
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