I sometimes forget I'm 62 and then I see a picture of myself...yikes, I'm an old woman. In looks I haven't aged well, grey hair, fat, winkled, etc. but I'm happy as a lark and enjoying this age and time of life.

Being a preschool teacher to 3 and 4 year olds I'm sure they think I'm old beyond belief. I have the patience with them I never had as a younger person so I'm sure they think of me more as Grandma than.....

I've found Di that it's a great time of life. The responsibilities of raising family, working because you must, etc. etc. is over, for me anyway, and I can pretty much do as I please.

It's good we get to this age gradually because it's so much easier to accept. It seems our minds tell us we're young and can do anything we please. Of course when we try doing some of those things we find we can't but it's alright, we accept it gracefully...ha! smile