This is fun becasue I can relate to all foods mentioned.

Chips - can't keep them in the house because I devour them. It's killing my daughter now that she's living here. She craves them too. I've even found some she's bought for herself in her room, and I can't eat them. Dad also loves chips. Always has - Utz regular chips. When I go to his house, I snatch a few, but that's it. I try to stay away because once I get started, it's like only a few more, then a few more, etc.

Oreo's. Can't bring them in the house, They last a few days, but I can't rest until they are gone. I've been known to keep them in the trunk of the car. Forgot about them. Can you believe that? Then ahd to throw them out becasue they were stale. IT near killed me.

Chocolate, love it. Have downscaled to peppermint patties becasue they have littel fat and hardly any claories, but quench my chocolate craving.

Well coffee - not my thing. Phew. That's one thing I don't crave. I guess it's not sweet or salty enough.

Chatty, watermelon was on sale for a few days at the Super Fresh so I got one and have only a bit left in the fridge now. I love keeping it cut up and on the shelf in the fridge for easy access.

About the salt and chocolate thing. I recall when the kids were little and we had lots of snack food in the house, eating a piece of chocolate, then some chips, then some chocolate and on and on - especially at certain times of the month.

Okay, I'm thinking that if I see these, I have to eat some -

French Fries!

I've been known to eat them off the plates of those I dine out with. It's that bad. If someone is finished and they leave fries on their plate, I ask if I can have some. How piggy is that? That's especially if my meal didn't come with fries.

Fortunately, I've never, ever fried any at home, but have certainly made the baked kind. But when eating out, especially at lunch, everything comes with chips or fries. What a shame!
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.