I just received an email from a woman (another tourist) we met while in Cuba. She's managed to collect 44lbs of donations for Cuba...underwear, toothbrushes, needles and threads. And she has a friend who's coming to Ottawa in June, so she volunteered to deliver the boxes of stuff to us, along with some money that various people gave to this woman to give to us.

I remember many years ago hearing that saying, though I can't quote it exactly: "if it's meant to be, you don't even have to hang out a sign - the people will just come". I've been questioning my purpose...it would seem that I'm getting all the signs that helping Cuba is a bona fide "sanctified" purpose. It's good to get that affirmation from out of the blue. We've also been helping our next door neighbour fill boxes for the Philipines. As they say in Spanish, poco a poca, little by little, we change the world one person, one tummy at a time.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)