All the more reason why I've chosen to live in condos over past few decades...I'm not really keen on hrs. and hrs. of outdoor work. I'm also not a gardener/shrub pruner at all. Though I did latter when I was a teenager for my parents.

He is abit mechanically inclined for simple stuff. Once upon a time, he did build his own farmhouse. The most interesting part is that he likes to wear the lab latex gloves when doing super greasy/gucky stuff involving his fingers. I think his obsession with keeping his hands clean (he never gets dirt stuck permanently in his nails) is from his childhood illnesses/sicknesses. (tuberculosis, ringworm, etc.)

I'm not mechanically inclined....but I personally know women who take apart an entire bike and put it back together again. One good friend who is single, childless and owns her own house, LOVES going to Home Depot on her own to get building supplies for her next mini renovation project. She managed to transfer a 5ft x 10 ft patch of flat backyard in a huge, thick lovely garden oasis which includes several bushes and trees over 10 ft. tall. It is incredibly impressive work when sitting around having a barbecue with the shade of this oasis jungle with her. (She is a boomer at 52.)

Many younger women than I, are comfortable doing basic computer hardware motherboard cards, DVD drive swaps, etc.
_________________________ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)