Angelawest, it's better to be safe than sorry.

The one time I let my guard down after my husband died, and didn't follow the sensible things that should have been done and just blindly stepped off the cliff into oblivion, I regretted it. I got taken to the cleaners bad! I am still having problems with this slug coming around even though I divorced him in 2001.

Sounds to me like you MIL has doubts deep down inside, you know that little voice that nags at us from within, we all have one. Sounds like she wants to hurry up and have fun before the bubble bursts. Check him out to be as sure as its as possible to be. She might hate the idea if he turns out to be a fraud but will thank you down the road.

You can lose a lot of money in Vegas very fast before you realize what hit you. Try to convince her to only take SOME cash and leave her checkbooks, and credit cards at home. This way she can only lose so much and yes, everyone loses!!! I should know I've lived here in Vegas now since 1985 and before that off and on since 1970. This town was built on losers money...
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