Hi everyone,

Thanks for the prayers.

I can't say things are getting better with her.

I've recently received some reports on her that I won't mention specifically here. I'll just say anything she can be doing wrong, well,she is.

She was home last week for a night - she is a camelon. She puts on her "mama's girls" facade, helps me in the kitchen, plays with the kids in the neighborhood....then she leaves and enters another world.

I believe she has an addiction. It is the only thing I can think of that would have her act and react as she has.

So, feel free to keep praying. I guess what I would ask you to pray, is that God would bring her to the end of herself, and that she would realize she has a problem, and that she will accept help.

Things are so bad, my 18 year old sent Dr. Phil an email. WOw, huh.

I continue to trust GOd for the details of my life AND her life. I AM thankful for having faith!

hugs to ya'll!


P.S. wedding has turned into an elopement. Fiancee and I have decided to elope in August. Wahooooooooooo!
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