I was away in Cuba during this time. I only just read about your Dad this morning. I'm so sorry. I've been carrying him in my heart for so long I feel like he was a vital part of my family too. My heart aches for you during this time. You know that I know how difficult this is, especially as time moves forward but the hole in our heart just gets bigger and more difficult to tiptoe around.

As sad and difficult as the grief is, I'm finally experiencing the paradox of joy too. I experience my brother's sweet presence often enough to know he's really not all that far away. And that I'll see him and my parents again.

Just know that I continue to carry you in heart and prayer. We've been on this journey together for so long, haven't we. Today would have been my brother's 45th birthday. It's still a day to celebrate, because I was so lucky and blessed to have him in my life for 43 years. So we're planning to raise a toast to his life today. I'll raise another to your Dad, who has had a wee corner of my heart for so long that he's as much a part of me as my own Dad.

Peace, my friend.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)