Bone density is complicated stuff. Osteopenia is the new word for women who have lost a lot of estrogen just following menopause. They had to coin this new word because of the high tech machinery that has noted finer changes. Thank goodness for Osteopenia, if you had high estrogen levels that is a marker for women who are more likely to get breast cancer. We can't seem to win this game of a healthy life.

There is actually a very small % of women that get severe osteoporosis, the kind that is usually inherited. But for the rest of us there is eating well and some herbal remedies. Until I get another dexa scan done in three months I really don't want to mention the name of the product I use. After the first year of using it the reports came back, 'keep using the medicines you have been prescribed, they are working" Well I never took the Fosomax but this non-prescript one. But it has been several years and I want to be tested again and then I will share my results.
