we get or orginasiasion i was assosiated/employed with had court refarels as in its necasary to shorted a sentense. then theyd be counselled as part of thir short sentense. It mostlie makes for reluctant insensear clients, thir attitude is kinda one of "being forced to change or seem to do it to seem to change" you get that work as being part of orginasasion as many clients can't afford private theripies

when self employed i always have the delema of how to charge when clients can't afford much, it tugs at my hart strings and always had more than my quota of sliding scale clients.

since i left my last house i had to leave my practise, as it was in front part of that house. this house ise't sutibale but i may be able to get some private work renting space in an alternative health shop set up for session of theripies.

the pays ok and i at a happie level with it even though i know for my educasion i could get payed a lot more. Job satisfaction comes into it so i look at what i gotta work in as to get right type of pay and for me it dose't pay off apart from financialie.

thanks for thinking of me orchid and comming up with those ideas. I might go try the probasion boards heer and see if they have resident theripists with them and try for wating list if they do.

i gess i gotta go looking more activlie or hurry to fill in applicasions for courses of studie and hope L seattles more at school.
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn