The whole credit card routine is frightening. What are people thinking? I've heard some awful stories about parents having to bail out 20 somethings who cranked up limits while in college. I just hope that once they bail them out, they take away the cards.

I also heard that the banks are giving less time between the time you receive the bill and the time payment is due, so be sure to check the due date when it arrives.

I've started using a debit card. My boys use them all the time and have often teased me about charging and writing checks. I love the debit card. I stayed away from it for so long because I thought I wouldn't keep track in my check book, but I am doing so. The boys keep track online. I'm not there yet. And, I love not charging or writing a check. That check writing takes so much time. Anyone else doing debit cards? I'm probably the last one to join the debit troups. Am I?
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.