I am forcing myself to write something here because basically I am feeling quite negative right now..but there has to be something good, right?

I love my life because my adult children and my grandkids are in it.

I love my life because I am having knee problems that keep nagging me and somehow I am aware that these are changing my life and kind of putting everything upside down and inside out.THERE i got that out..and it´s true..eventho it´s hard!

And I love my life because my partner is in it..eventho he is driving me crazy and to desperation lately.

I love my life because I found yoga some years back. And I think that I will do some now..to find some balance in unbalance! I have to be gentle on my knee which makes it harder..but it´s worth it!

Come on..help me with some positive input here..if you have the time! Anything will do!

"some sacred place.."