Thats exactly right Chick.

Well my friends, after much agonizing and soul searching, I have made a decision that hopefully will be beneficial to me and my ex.

I am allowing my ex to remain here until Dec. 2010. That will give him ample opportunity to find worthwhile employment and save enough money to be able to move himself and all his stuff without being under the gun, so to speak.

When he is working I barely see him anyway. He cooks for himself and does all his own laundry, and still will shop or run errands for me if I ask him to.

This wasn't an easy decision but the only one I seem to be able to live with. Plus I can save a nice amount of money as well. This is all stipulated on his getting a job and paying rent. No rent, no place to live! No one is that generous, not even me.
I'll just have to wait and see how things play out.
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