I hope it is okay to put this here. I was contacted by someone whose father had spent his last days recently in a local Hospice. She said she noticed that their books, what few they had, were worn and old. She said if I or anyone I knew had books to donate she would pick them up. That was a coincidence because I had recently boxed up all my books, some never even opened and was going to sell them on www.Half.com

Three weeks went by, no one showed up so I looked up the address of the Hospice in question, called them and they said, they would love some books.

Well if you could have seen the commotion they made over those two boxes of books, it was amazing. I am so glad I took them in. I had some poetry books, Romance novels, many Mystery novels and some books containing short stories so when reading to a patient they could finish the whole story before they got tired.

This brings me to the reason for this post. Have any books, old or new ones you want to get rid of? Find the local hospice and donate them. Some of these families sit there for weeks just waiting for the inevitable and having a good read would be very helpful.
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