Thanks so much ladies. What a comfort it is to come here and read your kind words.

LOL Dotsie, I don't think I will ever get my hair done. My dad had pink eye when he passed and so my mom and sister-in-law got it too. My mom's is as bad as mine was and it was her bad eye (diabetes). But her doctor said it was pink eye. My sister-in-law said that is the final gift form her father-in-law, so it doesn't matter to her. So anyway, we can't get our hair done until it goes away.

DJ, the day before my dad passed, the man in the room next to him passed away. His sister told me later on, she had just left to go and get some comfortable clothes to stay with him over night. As soon as she left, he passed away. Her comment was, I think he did it on purpose so I wouldn't be upset. Perhaps your dad didn't want anyone upset and he let go when he did on purpose. At least that's my belief.

Thanks for the kindness dear sisters. Celtic...thank you and big hugs to you dear sister. I look forward to more conversations with you and I cannot wait to jump in the other thread. In the meantime, my sister-in-law is explaining to me the Muslem beliefs in the end of days.

I love all of you alot!!!

Love, Hugs, & Blessings,

Edited by Wisdom&Life (03/03/09 01:57 PM)
Proud member of National Association Of Baby Boomer Women!