Ahhh, thats too bad about your program getting knocked. There is a lot of jokes about PMS, but when you are in the midst of it, it doesn't seem so funny.

I never met Jay Leno, but I took my dog to audition for 'pet tricks' for the DAVID LETTERMAN show. My dog does fantastic tricks, he can balance a doggie biscuit on his nose and walk, then run without it falling off. He can then flip it up and catch it in his mouth. He can break it in half and 'share' with us. He does a lot of other stuff too. He's a black labrador. However, the day of the audition, the only thing he did was look at me like I was stupid. So, they gave us about 10 minutes, then told us thanks, but no thanks and I left. Darn, missed my chance, I just know DUDE could have been my ticket to stardom.