Is there some age limit for filing bankruptcy? Knowing that you can wind up in the soup from losing your job and losing your medical insurance, I'm not going to assume that anyone young who is bankrupt must have gotten that way through foolishness. Maybe, maybe not. Nationwide, I think about one-half of personal bankruptcies are due largely to medical bills.

Yeah, I know a lot of people have been idiots, but that was the point of my earlier post. If we have *that* much consumer debt, I'm going to guess that it's not half and half, more like 75/25. And what with layoffs and the housing crash, a lot of people are in big trouble and haven't been crazy. By the way, in my state -- maybe this is everywhere -- laid-off workers can't get COBRA health benefits if the company goes bankrupt. So there's no realistic way these folks will get health insurance anytime soon. They're not lazy or spendthrifts, just out of luck. Bad out of luck. I could see some of them going bankrupt pretty easily.