Well I have you both beat! I have three on my chin and you are right they grow overnight!

I can remember sitting in the neurologist's office with my Mom and Dad and son. Doc was not happy with 4 year old in the room. He was too cerebral and nasty to little kids. If my Dad did not need this apointment I would have let him know exactly how good kids are for the cranky old souls of the world!

Anyway, Nathan is sitting on my lap, very quiet and he whispers in my ear "mom you have a big black hair on your chin do you want me to pull it off?" Well I started that laugh with no sound and my body was chuckling a bit and Nathan naturally responded by trying not to make a sound but the whole thing must have gotten the Doc's attention and we were asked to leave the room.

Of course, Nathan thought it was his fault and he was humiliated. I told him it was my chin hair's fault and not to worry. From then on, whenever he doesn't want to take the blame he tries to blame it on my chin hair!

After the appointmnet at lunch, I told my folks what happened and I thought my Dad would split his sides laughing. I think that was the last time I heard him laugh so hard. He died about a month later.

I don't think I look at my chin hairs quite the same anymore. Can't say I cherish them but.....