I know how you feel chatty. My family is like you..can't swim, several siblings have tried, but they sink because they can't relax.

I can't swim. I did take a mandatory few lessons in physical education class in public school. But I could only do the front float. Back float I hated because of sensation of water closing over my face..

However all my nieces and nephews know how to swim. Their mothers (my sisters) were each determined that each child learn to swim starting early in childhood. O

ne of my nephews competed in Canadian provincial swimming competitions and he did train seriously for about 3 years...ie. show up at pool 5:00 am and swim 40 laps in Olymic sized pool. Yes, he became very fit (meaning wiry and lean) and worked as a lifeguard for 1-2 summers. He was so much in the chlorine water, that his dark brown hair was turning very ratty and near-honey brown-blonde, despite wearing his swimming cap. His favourite competitive swim stroke was butterfly stroke.

My sister and her hubby did want find a sport for him to redirect his high energy that he loved, which in a young boy could become too easily destructive/disruptive.

The results are real..he is focused young man and calm in his self-expression. (Academically strong at university).

Without question exposing children to several different sports for them to try in a fun way, is important. If any parent questions the cost...they need to rethink: To create happy/fun memories of at least 1 sport...that in adulthood the person will return after decades of dormancy/non-practice for de-stressing and for health. It is a good legacy for a parent to help nurture.

And such is my experience with the bike. smile

http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)