I do clear my in-box..more regularily these days. Obviously to run one's own business or free-lance work, one must be prompt in answering emails. I think we're forgetting something here...the younger your customer base is, the more likely they might want timely response from you as a business person.

Frankly in witnessing my partner run his business..which he loves the whole cycling vibe anyway,..he brings his laptop on vacation and minimally, checks his email since email is also networking with groups and individuals related to one's own biz. However these days he's on the computer much more than usual....while he's doing his analysis and business plans....his email is on all the time while he's working. It must be this way, since he has 2 other people in his biz partnership.

I don't see it as a terrible thing, otherwise our phone would ring more often...which would be even more irritating when I'm home. There are some things best expressed in email to allow recipient to think abit before responding.

My computer/email is not on all the time. When I step out from home, I do log off and shut it down. I do not trust embedded virus and hackers via email, etc. So ie. when I go cycling today, I turn it off. Same for him, when he leaves home to do something, meaning more than getting something at the corner store.
http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)