Orchid, Thank you for this info on the arms. Sounds great, like I will love cycling. I know some cycling folk from dance as we all had breakfast in the same place after our morning work out for many years. They ARE lovely people, really. At least dancers get along well with them!

I am still dancing so I have flexibility plus. I was born flexible and will stay so. I have doctors orders not to stretch to warm up or to do any exercise to warm up because after all these years of ballet I am doing damage to my mucsles by doing any warm up. I can't wait to give biking a try again.

Here they bike year round because it's the desert with mountains for them to ride. It can get sweltering hot though in the summer and I will have to ask how healthy it is to bike in over 100 degree tempertures. I'm sure they have their tricks.

It sounds like my new bike must FIT and that is key to me. I will try on many bikes and start right away. I plan on buying a good bike right off because I can't damage my body with anything less. My body is my living and I am still dancing as I said.

Biking sounds like peace of mind and a chance for me to space a bit by myself even if I am with people. I could use that and also, the thrill of biking when one is having real fun. I have no fear of the heavy stuff because I am an athlete already. I'll just have to learn technique again and more technique than I had when I rode in my twenties.

Thanks again!


"Question your privilege"