Bottlecap, gurgle, pamper, Wolfman

Be happy and have yourself a drink,
Whether under a cork, a tap, or sink.
If that liquid, which you are 'bout to partake,
'Tis beneath a bottlecap, for goodness sake,
Pop the top, truly enjoy,
For life is short, whether you're a girl or boy.

Doesn't matter if you're a baby, who can gurgle,
Or a grownup on horseback, jumping a hurdle.

You might be a Wolfman, a preacher, or a deacon,
Makes no difference, you're still a worldly beacon.
So pamper yourself, open all of life's doors,
You're given seven score 'n eight, and not much more.

Edited by jabber (02/21/09 02:30 PM)