By the way, this example I gave, is a hybrid but with mountain bike tires. Tires are quite knobby. For my type of riding, which is not on bush trails/ dirt trails in woods, I don't need that type of stuff. Knobbiness gives you a more cushioned ride, but also it slows you down alot more. You will get impatient.

When buying a bike at bike store (not regular department store like Walmarts), you can negotiate to swap those tires for a different set. You will have to pay abit more. But there may be rm. for negotiation.

Also for you dancer, it might be useful to have front suspension shocks. The shocks don't have to be expensive to help a beginner like yourself. They will dampen /soften abit of jarring when going over bumps, etc.

Keep us posted when you are ready to tell us more.
_________________________ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)