Really I think its healthier to downscale and move to neighbourhood that's not rowdy, close to services and amongst people of a broad range of age groups.

I was reminded of this when a much younger woman friend who is 30 who's mother is only 58 and winters with her father in Florida (he's in his 60's), is bored because most of the women in their neighbourhood are in their 60's and 70's and not as active. She has taught herself swimming and bikes leisurely around, about 20-30 miles each trip.

Now that I've turned 50...and also not far from 58..I can't even conceive of the idea of being in a community with people of only a certain age bracket. In fact I feel, I just wouldn't fit in very well, given my activities, etc. I know that there are certain groups of women my age, that I just don't hang out much with because our lives are so different.
_________________________ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)