i bough a bike after a chat with orcchid on heer last summer dancer and i still got it and it is a girls hybride, front suspension but not at back. I followed her advice and the first one i chose wase't right and good job i could return and exchange! despite a short trip around the block!

I didn't suspension at back as i needed to fit a child seat for lucien and can't fit them with back suspension. It was like sitting on air. However i am ok with not having back suspensiuon and also having a backe injury, (gears really help)

I did pay a little more for an aluminium frame and i can lift it off of the ground easily when needed.

try for one with a built in side stand or get one fitted, silly but it helps via convience. The gears need't be complicated and eaiy to get used to with a bit of practice...they make all the diffrense to how hard it is to ride...

oh a soft sadle, can buy updates or upgreades if you want. it saves on bike saddle burn and makes a diffrence when you first start or haven't been on it in a while....you know what i mean!

and id second the use a helmut (you rebel lol)...it feels great wind in haire and all but i make L weer his and its saved him too, especiallie him! who corners at 90 millon miles an hour on stabilisers!!!and tips !

let us know how you got on smile
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn