What would be the real reason for not wearing a bike helmet, dancer?

Even the most experienced cyclist/racer/competitor has fallen off their bike. And many people I know personally who have fallen off, their helmet has touched the ground, when helmet on their head.

This the same advice I would give to any woman:

Make sure your bike fits you. The geometry of many bikes aren't oriented for women who have shorter arms than men, shorter torsos, etc. I would recommend renting a bike and helmet included for 1 hr. or when looking at bikes to buy, ask store to allow you to test ride up the block.

You need bike that puts you in a more upright position. A hybrid bike. Handlebar width should be the width of your shoulders. Have you ever ridden a bike with gears before? Ask a bike store. Each person needs a different sized bike, with an adjustable saddle/seat for height differences.

When seated still on bike, your foot should be able to touch the ground, with a slight bend in knee. I would recommend a hybrid bike. Not a mountain bike, most of the cheaper ones are too heavy and no point, unless you are bouncing around on off-road bumpy trails.

Keep us posted.

And chatty, how often have you gone out so far on your bike?

http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)