Heres one for the books. I went to the bank today and the store and when I arrived home I found (one date with) Glen sitting in my living room talking to my ex, the mouch!

He stood up right away and said; I hope you don't mind sweetie, but I wanted to ask your ex if it was okay for us to attend the Valentines Day doings at the clubhouse on Saturday night.

My ex just sat there with a sinister smile on his face that made me want to slap it off. I lead Glen outside and told him in no uncertain terms, I wouldn't go with him now if he begged me on his knees. Then said 3 things. . .

Number 1, my ex has NOTHING to say about anything I do, reason he is called EX!!!

Number 2, who does he think he is coming to my home with me not being there, and he'd know because my car was gone?

Number 3, then I said get out, stay out and forget you know me.

Before slamming the back door I said; looks to me like he should be friends with my EX, they seem like two of a kind, both idiots. Goodbye!!!

As I closed the back door, I heard the front door close as well, my EX had escaped my temper by running off and avoiding me. BUT he has to show up sometime!!!!
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