I got this press release in the mail. We help promote this day to schools, but maybe you shoudl look into observing the day with some groups you are involved with.

May 21, 2003, marks the 3rd Anniversary of Turn Beauty Inside Out Day, where people everywhere celebrate Inner Beauty–the beauty of conviction, caring and action.

Turn Beauty Inside Out (TBIO) gives girls, boys, women and men a definition of beauty that focuses on who they are and what they do, not on how they look. The campaign both celebrates media images that promote healthy behavior and body image for girls and boys while also raising awareness and increased understanding of the effect ads have on us.

TBIO was created by New Moon: the Magazine for Girls and Their Dreams, which also promotes positive self-image among youth. New Moon’s 25 Beautiful Girls contest winners, along with the all-girls editorial board of the magazine, will converge in New York on May 1-2, 2003, to advocate healthier images in advertising. This kick-off leadership event is the third annual international celebration of media images that promote healthy behavior and attitudes for girls and boys.

Check out their Web page.