You are so right, Chatty. I have been burned out twice in my life, and both times it was so devastating. I remember walking through the place and trying to figure out what various burned and twisted pieces used to be. The worst thing was losing family mementos - pictures, the kids' first lock of hair, their school projects and pictures they drew for us. Still now when I think about it I feel a profound sense of loss and it's been some 30 years. In one fire we lost our cat, but the dog got out okay. I guess the cat succumbed to smoke inhalation as she was hiding in the back of the closet where the fire started. The first fire was when the kids were little - preschool - and right before Christmas. The second was a couple of years later, just when we were getting back on our feet. It would have been so easy to just give up at that point, but I refused to do that. I never give up!!
Well-behaved women rarely make history. - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich