I found out this morning that one of my dearest friends, that lives in Iowa (I attended her second wedding last August in Ft. Dodge) is coming to Kansas for a visit. She and her husband have job interviews not far from my town, and they will stay overnight with us while they look for a place to live and check out the neighborhood. I don't think Dennis is really crazy about the idea yet, but he hasn't pitched a fit, just rolled his eyes, LOL. Anyway, I was wondering if any of you have had problems with your spouses not liking your close friends? I don't know if its jealousy or just personality conflicts, but Dennis rarely likes my friends. I, on the other hand, have been expected to accept his friends because they are liked by him. Does this make sense? Or am I the only one with this problem. Dennis is a wonderful husband otherwise, but I have always felt I couldn't have close friends except for family and HIS friends' spouses.
I've never thought of him as a controlling person, but after typing this up, it sounds like he is trying to control me. Does it sound that way to anyone else?