Hey Jabber, your poem is better than purple sneakers! Lol New words:
Horses, camels, desert, heat

Remember those cool ads of cowboys;- big and rugged.
Whiskey flasks by their sides, ready to jug it.

Galloping off towards the sunsets; in red and orange they would glow.
Through barren deserts, yellow prairies, and mountains of snow.

They would hold their horses' reins lightly in one gloved hand,
While hoofs thundered and manes flew, as they crossed the land.

And no matter where they were riding; east, west, north or south,
A Camel cigarette hung out of the corner of their mouth.

Smoke curled up, and made 'em shut one crinkly eye,
Their teeth white and gleaming, ewwwweee; my kind of guy!

Nothing could stop them, no heat or cold,
But me? I'm getting all flushed as this story is told.

So good-night Jabber…and thanks for those words,
Love thinking about those men, not new-age computer nerds.

New Words
joy writing fullfilled imagination
As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.