Being that I have been to multiple rehabs over 4 years to be where I am now (18 months sober.) I just had to respond to this thread, even if it is a few days old.
From what I have seen and heard thru my journey there is simply not one solution that fits all. We hear a lot about AA and its successes but the scientific data puts its success rate at 7-10%. There is no way to ever know how many people in the quiet of there own homes and suffering are able to stop and stay stopped. I have been taught the long-term recovery rate is only somewhere between 25-33% for all addicts. Maybe they were just trying to scare us or maybe it is true, I don't know but that is what all rehabs seem to use as the figure.
It makes sense that the 'solution' is different for all afflicted with this as we are all different people with different needs and beliefs.
For me AA was initially helpful as it kept me busy and with people who understood. I then found I needed to be around healthy people who did not focus on alcoholism all the time. Being immersed in the subject became bad for me, I needed to learn to be 'immersed; in the real world. Just some thought from someone who has 'been there, done that'.