I love my life because a dear friend (and you know who you are) has brought home to me the importance of maintaining "balance" in my life..in my inner life"..and she has even given me good example on how to maintain and work at keeping balance in my life.

I love my life because it is the week-end..and I love week-ends..especially friday nites!

And I love my life because they are promising a snowstorm with some high winds here in the Stockholm area..and I plan to watch this from the inside out. SO COZY!!!!

Oh yes..I love my life because I have had the time of my life with a good part of my family over in the US during Christmas..and I have SOOOO Many Wonderful Loving Memories to carry with me whereever I go (roam..if I am to use the words of Metallica´s great song..one of them anyway smile )
"some sacred place.."