Celtic, you are hitting the ball too late if you are getting fouls. A foul just means your ball landed out of bounds.

I like bowling and boxing. I get a ton of exercise from boxing. And, after work, it is perfect to pretend...ah....well....I best not say.

I am getting better at tennis, but you should see Dennis and I in a tennis match. He was once a tennis pro, but now, not so much.

I sorta enjoy wii play, but find the billiards game a bit strange. I do like fishing, tho.

I just noticed that Wii has a few new games for the fit board. I must admit, that is my fave. I am a mean down-hiller and snowboarder, and all of my yoga has paid off. My balance is near perfect (97%, gals!). But I stink at tightrope and I cannot figure out step for the life of me.

Yes, gals, this has been a great investment. It's so much fun to laugh while you work out. Yes, it's not a strenuous workout, but it's better than nothin.
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