More new news! And great news, at that.

Next week Dennis and I are headed to the Mayo Clinic for one more test. This is the radio=active test I mentioned earlier. We were scheduled for December, but Dennis decided he wanted more time to consider the test. We are hoping this test will rule out Shy-Drager and thereby remove his death sentence.

In addition, the nuerologist and his team, that heads up this research, has decided that Dennis will be one of the 5 patients each year that they see outside of this particular research.

We have an appointment on January 27 and we have been told to pack for up to 10 days. We may be sent home on the 27th, may be put into a hotel, or Dennis may be admitted to the hospital for closer observation.

Hold onto your hats, gals. I believe I may be innundating you with lots of news over the next two weeks.

Love to you all.
Follow our story of living, loving and laughing with a debilitating disease: