And heres a recap on Glenn the man I almost got hooked up with...
OMG! Never a dull moment around here...Everything that happened in the past week around me is going into my book.

He is not married to the woman he was with, Cora not anymore. They have been divorced now for some 15 years. She got cancer of the pancreas and lost her home in New York where they were from and asked him if she could come here as her treatment would be in Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Arizona. He said okay and she has been here for about 6 months now.

What happened was, he called me, I hung up! Called again, same! So he came to my house with her and they sat down and explained. She was very friendly. He said he lied because no woman would believe a story like that. I about laughed myself silly saying, boy do I have a story for you and proceeded to tell him about my ex, who is now living with me. We all had a good laugh and he apologized and she said to me privately that he is really a nice guy. She said, he worked too much and she was bored. She had an affair and left him flat for someone else who she then married. and the new guy left her flat six years later after she became ill. I have to say, I like her.

So ladies I was wrong about Glenn. He is okay just a bad liar, with lots on his plate. He wants us to be an item, or at least date and I left it at maybe. So who knows?
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