Well, I am adjusting to the fact that my daughter for sure will leave. I do feel that she has really unrealistic expectations. My ex has two kids, his with the girlfriend and her 10 year old. They are not well behaved kids. I know they will drive my daughter crazy and won't listen when told not to go downstairs. My daughter babysits and has told me in the past that she can't stand to do it but doesn't want to disapoint her Dad.

There will be 7 of them in a house with only one bathroom. Here there are three of us with two full bathrooms.

But, she needs to do this so I am going to be supportive.

Not sure about my son at this point.

I am looking at some rent to own options and may purchase a condo or townhouse as my rent is as high as a mortgage anyway.

I will only be able to get a two bedroom, one bathroom place but at least it will be a way for me to own. I have always rented houses since leaving my marriage and over extended myself financially so the kids can have space, a nice place to live etc. They don't realize how good they have it here but they will.

I started Birkam Hot Yoga. It is incredible for stress plus you burn 500-600 calories per 90 minute session. The first class was torture but now I'm ok. I am doing this for me.

thanks for asking Dotsie.