Well as I suspected, my ex doesn't really want our son to move in.
My daughter will be useful, free babysitting, but my son will cost him more money in food. He had a talk with my son yesterday and told him he should think about it, there isn't much room etc. Meanwhile there is room for my daughter's friend. She and her freind have asked to turn the basement into an apartment.

My son said to his Dad "I really want my Dad and he said he was almost crying. He said his Dad just brushed him off. So he is staying. He told me last night that he wants to know his Dad but that he wants to stay with me.
I told him it is totally up to him, that I will be upset and cry whatever age it is that he leaves, and not to worry about me.

He got into all his frustration with school and that is the route of his anger, frustration. He has severe ADD like my drug addicted son. He has reluctantly agreed to go see a specialist.

Poor guy, both my son's have suffered a great deal as their Dad just doesn't get it. I know he loves them in his own way but he is very selfish and he hurts them over and over again.

So, my daughter starting all of this has brought some positive results.

She is going to let me know her plans today and wants to go for coffee.

I will try to make it about her not me.
