Well ladies,

Miracles DO happen!

Both of my children spent Christmas with myself and my honey honey -- we had a WONDERFUL time. It had been a year and 3 months since I had seen my 17 year old boy.

He and my daughter both love my honey honey -- what a blessing THAT is.

I put my son on the plane back to MD on Monday, spent the day crying....and on Tuesday, I got THE call, that he can't live with the family he's living with anymore...and he wants to come home.

I wouldnt in a million years have thought his coming home was a possiblity.

Then, a day later, my honey honey proposed to me! wahooo. We will celebrate our love on Dec 31st, 2009. LOL, I know, it's a ways off, but we are planning a real wedding and need some time. You ALL are invited!

So, that's what's new with me.

GOing to court with my ex on the 27th -- not looking forward to it...but will continue to pursue justice!

hugs to ya'll,

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