hmmmm iv not been divorced but been at court with or over children not mine biologicalie but one i wanted contact to as id been a parent from before birth.

that partner was always very faire, logical and i had no reason to question them when we were privatlie splitting up equitie from house furniture ext.

it wase't untill te court days becouse i wanted to see the kid that i found out id been done out of £25,000. lol thats a lot and becouse i din't think theid become that type of sneekie person.

monie and split ups, protect herself and don't let emotion play the onlie part in her thnking thats too hard or too soft.
How unbiased is her lawer?
Is he capable of making a moral balancing act which is faire to both of them.

iv onli found one so far like that, thats why she is mine now lol.
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn