Thank you, I haven't left yet! I have kept in touch with my dad everyday and the doctors still haven't put the stint(SP). They just want to make sure they do it properly.

Anyway, Sofia is here with Zoey and Zoey's dad. They are trying to get work things out for Zoey. They agreed, if nothing else, they should try to be friends. Zoey's 1st birthday is Friday the 16th. Can you believe it? Anyway, they came this weekend to celebrate Zoey and another baby's first birthday together. That worked out well since I am not going to be able to be in Blacksburg for her first birthday.

I am going tomorrow to Northern VA, and I am taking the week off work. It worked out well because we had major deadlines at work this past week and contract negotiations are coming up. With the newspapers not doing well, and this economy, we are giving them even more than before in order to not give them an excuse for not renewing their contracts. So that worked out well and I am able to see Zoey, who I haven't seen in a month.

Now I can have this peace when I get there and really try to spend some peaceful quality time, rather than a hurried one.

This is an answer to prayer definitely and I so appreciate the support.

I will be taking my computer with me, and I can keep in touch!

I love you all alot!

Proud member of National Association Of Baby Boomer Women!