I'm sorry for the way you are feeling. I'm afraid that family, and esp. one's relationship with one's children is a personal thing. Perhspa if you expanded on your explanation, others could give suggestions and offer help.

You CAN make you own family full of close friends. This works for many people. You can surround yourself with giving people who will not only take from you.

All that takes is a decision from you that you want and need to build a different family to sustain you in your life.

I did so with my family of origin because they were so dysfunctional. I made my own family from my grandfather and friends and ignored the family of mine that ignored me.

But seek, we must remember that children are always like toddlers. They go as far as they can on their own and then when they ger scared, they call or come home. It might be a good break you are getting now and should enjoy it!

Only you know what is going on but if you choose to share more, there are people here that can help, I'm certain.

To happier days!


"Question your privilege"