Thank you Eagle and MamaRed,

I have been posting here today and it has calmed me a bit. I didn't plan on it. After all, I have laundry I need to do..., but I am feeling drawn to post here, right now.

I am just waiting for my aunt to get there and she will let me know what is going on. She doesn't over dramatize(SP), nor does she under dramatize(SP). I have already emailed my boss at work, so I am prepared to leave at a moments notice. Fortunately, my parent's only live a 3 hours drive from me in N. VA.

Even though I am actually calm now, I still have a hint of a sinking feeling in my stomach. Not a good sign. I know my dad is headed in a much more beautiful, painfree and comfortable loving place. He is the one I have gone to for any wisdom and advise to this day. I am going to miss him very much!

Okay, deep breath...deep breath...Actually this is good. I can get this out of my system so I can be stronger later.

On the other hand, he is still breathing and there is still hope. I am just one of these people who needs to be prepared or else I lose it...

Thanks and God Bless!

Proud member of National Association Of Baby Boomer Women!